Finance and Investing
Newsday: “Exotic—Yet Sensible” Retiring south of the border can offer a taste of paradise and a way to stretch the dollar. September, 2004.
Barron’s: “Less Means More” Caught in the stock market’s downdraft, some philanthropists are upping their giving nonetheless. December, 2001.
Working Mother: “For Richer or For Poorer” Working your budget without wrecking your marriage. March, 2002.
Newsday: “Calm, Quiet, Kidless” Some love the serenity of child-free communities, while experts question whether the generations should live apart. June, 2004.
BusinessWeek Small Biz: “And They’re Off” As laws mandating family leave appear, it’s time to work out a policy that’s fair, clear, and easy to implement. Fall, 2004.
Bloomberg magazine: “Other Peoples’ Money: The Growing Trend in Exotic Debt” Emerging-market funds are mapping a new course with a greater variety of local currencies. December, 1996.
Parents: “Will Power” No one likes to think about estate planning, so it’s no wonder that two-thirds of American parents don’t even have a will. Do you? March, 2004.
Martha Stewart Living: “Keeping It: Finding a Financial Planner” When she approached a milestone birthday, Nina Lewis realized she needed help getting her financial life in order. 2003
BabyTalk: “Solving the Daycare Dilemma” Why good daycare is hard to find--and what you can do about it. April, 2002.
BusinessWeek Online column, “Work & Family” This column ran every week.
BusinessWeek: “Outside Help” Few families can do it all alone. But hiring and retaining talent is an art in itself. Summer, 2004.